Dogodki in srečanja


VI. Kongres združenja kirurgov Slovenije

Kongresni center hotelov LifeClass, hotel Slovenija, Portorož

Teme kongresa:

  1. Tope in penetrantne poškodbe prsnega koša, trebuha in retroperitonealnih organov
  2. Bolnišnični ukrepi ob masovnih nesrečah – kirurgija v izrednih razmerah
  3. Retroperitonealni tumorji
  4. Novosti v herniooplastiki
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II. Slovensko-hrvaško srečanje žilnih kirurgov

Kongresni center hotelov LifeClass, hotel Slovenija, Portorož

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EVC 2015

Maastricht, Nizozemska

The main goal of EVC is to provide theoretical and practical education via a high level post-graduate course. This offers participants the most recent knowledge on arterial, venous and vascular access subjects.

In addition to the invited lectures, instructive edited videos, master classes and workshops, all participants receive the high level quality textbook at registration. Furthermore, we offer and promote challenging case discussions in small groups where you can share your views and experience together with the experts in the field. Finally, our industry partners will inform you on their latest innovations and developments during their workshops.
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Charing Cross International Symposium

London, Združeno kraljestvo, 28.4.- 1.5.2015

The Charing Cross International Symposium raises vascular and endovascular controversies so that a world-class faculty challenges the available evidence in order to reach a consensus after discussion with an expert audience.

The Charing Cross Symposium is distinguished by its unique and logical programme. It focuses on identifying evidence for optimal vascular disease management from head to toe. Short presentations and time-keeping are key characteristics of the Charing Cross sessions; these enable the right time for comments and questions by the audience. At the sessions, there is a chairman who monitors time, encourages audience and speaker interaction and conducts the discussion; there is also a moderator who assists the chair with questions to and from the audience.
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